
new edition

美音:[newedition ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[newedition ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


new edition为短语/超纲词汇
1. This man examined its contents, then said: "I understand there is a two-volume edition of this work."

2. The sales manager, who was quick-witted, replied: "My company cannot afford a two-volume edition, sir, but we could offer you a copy with a preface!"

3. Don't worry. Just sign up for the language course offered by a school in another district or city, have the latest edition of the course teaching materials sent to your computer, and attend by video.

4. Discovering that the minister collected rare books, he bought a rare edition of a book, slipped $20,000 within its pages, then presented it to the minister.

5. A pocket edition of the dictionary will come out soon.
